Rug Checker Solana

Rug Checker Solana helps you check the risk score, analyze liquidity, lock tokens, and protect against rug pulls.

What is Rug Checker Solana?

Rug Checker Solana is a web app tool designed to protect investors in the Solana ecosystem from falling victim to rug pulls. It is a crypto scam where developers abandon a project after raising funds, taking all the invested funds with them and leaving investors with worthless tokens. Using our tool you can easily detect risk scores, analyze liquidity, locked tokens, and protect against rug pulls.

How to Use Rug Checker Solana

Our tool is easy and simple to use follow the steps given below to use our tool.

Rug Checker Solana
  • Step 1: Visit the Rug Checker Solana website on your browser.
  • Step 2: Enter the token address of the Solana token that you want to rug check.
  • Step 3: Press on the “Check” button and it will show the risk score, locked liquidity, and other details of the token.4

Benefits of Using Rug Checker Solana

Nowadays there are so many scams and rug pulls happening every day and so many investors are losing their investments. So using our rug checker Solana tool helps you to detect rug pulls and the risk score of the Solana tokens. We have given the benefits of using our rug checker solana website.

  • Identifies Rug Pulls Instantly: Rug Checker Solana is designed to detect rug pulls accurately and the risk score of the token.
  • Easy to Use: One of the best features of Rug Checker Solana is its user-friendly interface. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the crypto world you can easily use our tool.
  • Prevents Losses: The primary benefit of Rug Checker Solana is its ability to prevent financial losses. By identifying the potential rug pulls before they happen, investors can avoid investing in projects with high-risk scores.
Identifies rug pulls instantlyLimited to the Solana network only
Saves time and effortRequires understanding of crypto
Real-time analysisNot entirely foolproof; investors should still conduct additional research

Rug Checker Solana FAQs

What is the Rug Checker Solana Tool?

Rug Checker Solana is a website designed to help investors detect potential rug pulls in Solana-based projects.

Is Rug Checker Solana free to use?

Yes, our tool is free to use and you can use it for unlimited times without signing up.

What information does the Rug Checker Solana Tool provide?

It provides information about liquidity, risk score, token ownership…etc.


In conclusion, Rug Checker Solana is a powerful tool that helps investors to check the risk score, analyze liquidity, locked tokens, and protect against rug pulls. Stay ahead of rug pulls and invest with confidence with Rug Checker Solana.